All Hail!
Greg Horn has gotten a lot of flack for drawing cheesecake covers on She-Hulk which misrepresent the actual content of the book and drive off women who would otherwise enjoy the book.
So I wanted to give a shout out to Mr. Horn for this cover:
That's some good work right there. You immediately get the spy thriller genre of the issue. Jen Walters, the She-Hulk, looks strong and confident, even a little bored, as she glides through the air on seemingly insubstantial wings. Plus all the black and white swirls immediately recall Jim Steranko's trippy covers for Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. All in all, it's nice to see Horn get away from his "boobs sell" mentality and deliver a solid cover that really tells the reader what the book's about...
... what's this? In the corner? Can we get a close up?
Yeah. Uh huh... could you zoom in a little more? Enhance that a bit?
Didn't Horn do the Steranko homage cover for Wolverine: Enemy of the State, too?
Thanks to Google, I now know that that was Greg Land, not Horn.
I couldn't find the cover with Fury in the glider suit, though.
Actually, I've found that many people confuse Land and Horn's art. It's kind of weird.
Cool! The wedding-ring cover wasn't bad either. As a constant critic of She-Hulk covers, I need to acknowledge that fact, but I still have to transcribe my hoof-written review notes from two weeks ago. Like anyone cares at this point.
Actually, I think that glider pose is from one of Steranko's S.H.I.E.L.D. interiors, rather than a cover. All I do know is that I've seen that pose somewhere. I don't have my books here, so I can't verify...nice cover, just the same!
Just in case you need an original to compare with the She-Hulk cover...
Glider wings
Trippy background
I've been staring at the hypno-boobs for the last twenty minutes.
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