Friday, May 04, 2007

Guess Who's Back. Back Again.

My MySpace account finally pays off and I get a preview of DC's new weekly, Countdown.

And it looks like Darkseid's back, still playing with his HeroClix:

I mean, it's cool and all that Paul Dini and Co. are not being coy about who the bad guys are, and Darkseid's desire to be the architect of the new universe nicely ties this series into the underlying theme of 52, but it's hard to look at an Evil Space Tyrant looming over detailed models of his enemies and not think of this:


  1. Heh heh. That's one of the first things that I thought of. They're ACTION figures dammit! NOT dolls!

  2. "'s hard to look at an Evil Space Tyrant looming over detailed models of his enemies and not think of this:"

    What, you mean this?
